The Jason Anderson Foundation for Youth Sports is pleased to announce that it is now accepting grant applications for the Spring 2016 sports season from youth sports organizations in Delaware seeking support to enable children in need the opportunity to participate in an organized, community sports activity. A total of $5000 in grants will be awarded.
In January 2015 Jason lost his life in an automobile accident at the age of 33. Jason was active with the Delaware Sports Commission, the Slam Dunk to the Beach event and the Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce, and he and his wife volunteered with Autism Delaware, where Jason also played a mentoring roll, while also serving on the Board of the Brain Injury Association of Delaware. In his professional life he worked for the New Orleans Saints and Dover Motorsports. The Foundation was established by his family and friends to honor his love of sports and his commitment to the community.
It is the Foundation’s goal to carry on Jason’s dedication to sports and volunteering. We’re very proud the Foundation is run by people from all parts of Jason’s life – his family, his work in professional sports and his time as an undergraduate at Syracuse University and graduate student at Ohio University. The Foundation is pleased to be able to offer our support to the youth sports community in Delaware.
Grant applications can be found at and can be submitted via email to All applications will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and grants will be awarded based on determination of need.
Media inquiries should be directed to Mr. Andrew Schwab, Board Chair, at or 201-403-3120